Spreading The Joy

What a difference a pen makes.
When McDonalds introduced a seasonal McCafe cup with festive mittens, they thought it was a perfectly innocent way to ‘spread’ holiday cheer. (Sorry.) But the Internet saw an opportunity. With just a couple pen strokes, the mittens were turned into something much more NSFW.
The image has gone viral and forced McDonalds to comment. (Always the best part of these kinds of stories.) “Our festive cups are of mittens not hands,” a rep for the Golden Arches said. “The altered image circulating on social media is the result of someone getting a little ‘cheeky’ and adding some hand-drawings to a cup.”
Strong pun work, McDonalds!
Here’s the original cup design. If you’re anything like us, once you’ve seen the altered version, you’re never going to un-see it.
Now, let’s all be adults and not make any cracks about this.
Sorry again. Had to do it.
(story via Huffington Post)