Baby Blues
“Unfortunately, this is one of my first baby pictures. And yes, it is me. And no, I do not still look like this :)”
(submitted by Seth)
Cheaper By The Half-Dozen
He just fell asleep and when he woke up…
(Photography by Brian and Janine Killian of Peters Photography)
Saturday Night Special: Baby Alive
“This is my daughter around age 2. She was a “Baby Alive” for Halloween. I had sayings printed on the box like: “I cry, I wet, I talk back”. She hated the box. Once we started trick or treating she was ok, but unless she was getting candy handed to her, she did not want to be in the box on at all!”
(Submitted by Shannon)
The Great Bambini
Photoshop conspiracists, please start your engines.
(submitted by Jeremy, who is standing by to defend his photo)
See the original “Great Bambini” here: