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The Shady Bunch

“While we were never the type of family to sit for a studio portrait, someone stumbled across a coupon and decided to give it a shot. Mind you, this is the ONE AND ONLY family portrait we ever took. I am on the bottom left with the too-big-for-my-face white fashion glasses and the poorly chopped bangs and I vaguely recall that we had a family meeting and decided to try and look “cool” — hence the sunglasses and the emotionless faces. I’m not sure what’s more entertaining: the fact that no one is wearing sleeves? Or that there is an honest to God ALF t-shirt being worn in all seriousness?”

(submitted by Erin)

Power Pose

“Unfortunately, it’s me. I took dance in high school. Don’t regret taking dance, just the picture.”

(submitted by Jeremy)


The Hangover

“I was a rebellious kid growing up. The night before this photo– I had stayed out late and had been drinking. When my mother saw me, she made us all wear sunglasses to hide the fact that I was so hungover.”

(submitted by Ryan)