That Guy

“During the summer of 1989, my BFF and I were staying on the beach with her parents. We were both 16. We spent the morning in the hotel’s pool, where this older man kept watching us and grinning. Later that afternoon, we were dressed and ready to go out, but first we stopped at the Tiki Bar near the pool to take some pics of each other in our totally 80s outfits (yes, I realize my outfit and hair here could absolutely stand alone in their awkwardness, but I digress). Wouldn’t you know, the same older man showed up and stood behind me, still grinning, while my BFF took my picture. I don’t know if he was being truly creepy, or if he was just an odd old guy who got a kick out of the two teenyboppers at the pool and all the giggling we no doubt did, but it sure made for an awkward photo!”
(submitted by Cam)