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“For our first family portrait, the photographer told my younger sister to make sure not to blink and to smile nice and big. All of the pictures came out like this.”

(via source)

Face Foliage

“‘Throw some leaves! It’ll look nice!,’ the photographer said.”

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The Scarecrow

“Let’s find the worst thing in the pic. My scared face? That mess of hair? The horrifying dress style or the scary pumpkin scarecrow wearing the tee shirt from the preschool?”

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The Big 1-0

“Here is my chihuahua Howie on his most recent 10th birthday. I buy all my dogs a cake every year for their birthdays, because I’m that dog mom.”

(submitted by Tracy) 

Eat & Greet

“A friend of mine posted a baby pic of her at Disney…everyone was way more intrigued by what was happening in the background.”

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Day One

“This is a picture of my parents, my brother, and I on their wedding day. My mom must have been upset about something, but for the life of us, none of us can remember this moment! I’m the one in the front, distressed about our new situation, while my brother rolls his eyes next to me. Have a happy marriage!”

(submitted by Kayla)

Feliz Cumple

“My mom made me a birthday cake. It’s supposed to say ‘Feliz Cumple’ (happy birthday in Spanish) but she ran out of room. Bless her soul.”

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“My father made this really nice landscaping in his front yard! And then he stood back and realized what he had done.”

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Mom’s Masterpiece

“My mom missed a group photo, so she offered to Photoshop herself in.”

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Air Supply

“In case you ever thought posing with a scuba tank was a good idea, now you know.”

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