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Behind The Awkwardness

Without A Paddle

“This is my aunt and her family on vacation. She fell out of the raft and the raft guide grabbed her foot as she went under. This is the most intense part of the river trip so they have someone stand on shore and take your photo. Luckily they captured this.”

(submitted by Matt)

United We Segway

“About a decade ago, my dad had a phase of hyper-intense community involvement. He somehow came up with with the idea of putting a piano on a rented Segway and having me play patriotic tunes while riding in the local 4th of July parade to promote a local politicians election campaign. Predictably, the keyboard idea didn’t pan out, so he just had us bedazzle it in America and call it a day. This was that day.”

(submitted by Alex)


“My twin and I fighting over a chair, 1991.”

(via stuckhere)

Laser Trolls

“This is my little sister in 4th grade. My mom took us to get our pictures made, and my mom and sister thought it would be a great idea to add the trolls into the mix. As you can see: awkward GOLD!”

(submitted by Nikki)

Runner Up

“This was a photo taken of my son and myself immediately after his undefeated flag football team lost in the championship game…I was pretty happy with the outcome…my son was not. Still one of my all time favorite photos.”

(submitted by Meade)

It’s My Party

“My oldest daughter Samantha was really tired of her little sister Megan insisting on being in all of her photos!”

(submitted by Andrea)

It Was A Very Good Year

“I was in first grade. I thought I looked REALLY spiffy in that black jacket, silk vest, and bolo tie. I didn’t realize that I looked like a toothless chimpanzee wearing glasses.”

(submitted by Josh)


“This is not how I envisioned my senior portrait. I really wanted an understated angelic presence…who wants only serious Senior portraits? You know, leading against a brick wall with my arms crossed, in a casual sweater and jeans and you know…wings unfurled behind me. However the photographer wasn’t prepared and he only had wings with big fluffy straps that were very visible when I put them on. I also didn’t have the photography package that would let us go on location so I had to settle for in-studio. The gold gauze was his solution for covering up the straps. So much for my understated, casual angelic pose. I ended up with a more of an angel glamour shoot. Wouldn’t you believe, this is the photo most of my classmates wanted.”

(submitted by Katie)

Then Came The Chicken

“My youngest brother refused to be in the photo for our church telephone book unless he could wear his cowboy suit. The accordion followed. Then came the chicken. I just get to be awkward because I’m in fourth grade and have a turtle t-shirt and a severe part.”

(submitted by Lily)

She’s A Keeper

“Found this picture of my sister and I. She was probably about two weeks old in this picture. Right about the time I realized that we were keeping her and I was no longer an only child.”

(via Colleen)