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Behind The Awkwardness

Bad To The Bone

“One morning two years ago my son had a bad hair day. As a third grade boy, he did not want to remedy this – no matter what I said. I gave up- choosing to pick my battles. Neither one of us remembered that it was Picture Day.”

(submitted by Sarah)

Go to The Light

“So back in the day, my grandparents decided they needed professional photos of us grandkids. We went to some department store photo shoot place and they put us in a variety of unnatural poses while we all wore uncomfortable sweaters and smiled in ways we never have before. For this particular photo, the photographer told us to look up at this lightbulb. My brother and I thought, “uhh…okay?” So then the photographer prompted us to look up into the light as if we were in awe. I’m not sure if it was supposed to be God we were looking at or Santa or an alien abduction, but we could not get over how uncomfortable this photo shoot was with our whole family watching.”

(submitted by Bailey)

Doggy Style

“Our family went to the local portrait studio with our dog, Prudence. My dad, who loved her very much, considered her a member of the family and therefore wanted her to be a part of the photo. When we posed for the picture, Prudence would not stay still so my Dad straddled the bench to keep her still. This photo hung in our house for years, and, the truth is, we were oblivious about its awkwardness until a close friend pointed it out.”

(submitted by Karen)

Orange Is The New Baby

“For the first few months of my life, I was orange. I’m from Jersey, so I guess that’s why the doctors said it was nothing to worry about.  You can see the white spots on my arms where they were “molding” me into position with their hands. My fiance on the other hand finds this to be the scariest picture in existence. It’s basically visual contraband in our home.”

(submitted by Robin)

Summing It Up

“I really don’t know which is worse, the size of the collar, the print of the shirt, the hair, or the glasses. Okay, it’s the glasses.”

(submitted by Dee)

Lemonade Stand

“Some members of the family were late for another Easter dinner they needed to attend, my father-in-law was grumping about standing for too long, my brother-in-law ran to grab the ladder so I could set the camera on it as a kids were escaping left and right. After twenty minutes of gathering the crew for a quick portrait before we dispersed, I finally figured out how to set the self-timer, framed the photo and clicked the button. I ran to my position and focused on being ready for the shot- I didn’t want to do this undignified dance too many times…Read More

Hello Dolly

“Trying to seriously take a four generation family photo and my daughter noticed something ‘going on’ in the background!”

(submitted by Tammy)

Daddy Direction

“By the look of the ponchos and the Frye boots, it’s around 1970. When it came to family photos, my dad was short tempered at the best of times. Here’s how it all went down.

Top photo, right to left. Me: “Dad told me to stand here.” Brad: “You’re supposed to be down at that end.” Brian: “Go where Brad says.” Grammy: “Oh look, a bug.” Jennifer: “I can’t see it.” Grandpa: “C’mon, Rachel, it will be ok.” Rachel: POUT.

One eighth of a second before the bottom photo. Dad (roaring): “LINE UP AND SMILE OR I’LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!”

(submitted by Allison)

Bikini Babe

“This is a photo of me when I was 3-4 months old. My mom had gestational diabetes so I was a tad larger than average at birth (the doctor told my mom, ‘She looks like she’s ready to start 2nd grade!’) Almost 30 years later this is still the only bikini I’ve ever worn. Can you blame me?”

(submitted by Rachel)

July Fourth Toilet

“This is indeed my family. I was the youngest. It was taken at a photo studio in Fort St. John, British Columbia. The photographer kept asking little ole pre-pubescent me about what I thought of girls. It was hard for me to form a response. He also made me put my hand on my brother, Perry. The oldest brother Frank still plays guitar (it’s obvious that he was into music by his look) and my band July Fourth Toilet even had him play guitar on one of our records as well as in live shows.”

(submitted by Robert in Canada)