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Get Far, Far Away From Chewbacca

“Our family’s Christmas card. Most of the people at J.C. Penny ran screaming from the room.”

(via source)

You Can’t Handle The Truth

“Parents of a ten-year-old decided to be truthful about Santa.”

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Merry Christmas, Mom

“My daughter made this at school for me. I believe that the teacher made an epic fail when telling my daughter what words to hold up for the photo.”

(submitted by Julia)

A Thong For Christmas

“My cousin’s Christmas card from last year.”

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The F Word

“Set the camera on self timer to take a family picture. I told every to just be themselves. Baby boy stuck his fingers in his nose, older sister did her thing, and then the five year old held up her middle finger. Had no clue she did that until I was editing them. Asked her what it meant and she said ‘the f word.’ I asked her what the f word was. She whispered fat. I’m pretty sure I heard the hallelujah chorus that that was her ‘f word.'”


“Sixty-five-year-old Mom’s ugly Christmas sweater.”

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Baby Bump

“My wife submitted this to a ‘Holiday Bloopers’ contest.”

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Christmas TMI

“My Mom is a principal at a kindergarten-through-ninth grade school. She received this from a nine-year-old today.”

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Helping Control The Elf Population

“I don’t think my friend is going to do the Elf on the Shelf thing after seeing her daughter’s search history.”

(via source)

Light It Up

“First Christmas before baby.”

(submitted by Jessie)