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Beefcake Recreation

“For my dad’s birthday this year we decided to recreate his 80’s calendar picture.”

(submitted by Madison)


Wedding Reception

“This was before ‘Please silence your cell phones’ was a thing.”

(submitted by Laura)

Free Birds

“My father (the blonde) in 9th grade for his class photo. As soon as the yearbook was released, he and his best friend were suspended.”

(submitted by Cori)

Where Babies Come From

“When my Mom went into labor she didn’t make it in time to the hospital and she gave birth in the parking lot of the emergency room. Dad had to leave my mom and run inside to notify the staff. After everything happened the hospital gave my Dad a shirt. Well fast forward a couple months later he thought it would be a good idea to wear the shirt to church on the day I was baptized. My Mom (standing next to him) was trying to not look disappointed. The shirt reads, ‘I know where babies come from.’ Even my Godmother and Godfather look disappointed. My Dad is the only one smiling.”

(submitted by Claudia)

The ‘Stache Stash

“Cleaning out my father’s phone when I see a variety of selfies he took while shaving his beard off. He showed these to no one and Hitler is one of them.”

(via source)

Bird Feeder

“Daddy is chatting with a friend and does not notice the duck nibbling on the baby’s toes.”

(submitted by Debbie)

Coffee Is Necessary

“My Dad and I when I was a kid. Clearly we’re not morning people.”

(submitted by Chad)

Big Trouble In Little Shirt

“My Dad underestimated the size differences between China and America.”

(via source)

Selfie Mode

“Stop taking selfies, Dad, your daughter just got engaged!”

(via source)

Lowlight Reel

“My family tried backyard football for the first time.”

(via source)