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Funny Farm

“This was taken on my in-laws property. My father-in-law was a businessman but for some reason he thought he was a farmer too. Apparently he was bad at disciplining his goats.”

(submitted by Colleen) 

Grandma’s Exorcism

“There’s a lot going on in this photo, from the strong 90’s vibes to each family coordinated by color. But the best part by far is that when my grandma saw 5 year old me (standing at the bottom right) wasn’t looking at the camera, she went old school photoshop and chose to replace my head with another picture of me, which is also not facing in the right direction!”

(submitted by IG @aliciavinci

The Princess And The Grandpa

“Grandpa flirting with a Disney Princess.. grandma not too happy about it (1970).”

(via source)

Destination Wedding

“My mom got pregnant out of wedlock in 1969. Since it was taboo back then, she was forced to get married. Her father was in the hospital on the day she was to be wed, so the ceremony was held in his small hospital room (wedding cake is in lower right of pic). You can tell she was thrilled about it by the look on her face.”

(submitted by Heather) 

Bumper Crop

“My grandpa and grandma’s wedding picture. The only one in the album.”

(submitted by IG @howlinwulff)

Hawaii Hover Hand

“My Mormon grandparents on vacation in 1988. Grandpa was playing it safe.”

(submitted by IG @1848workers)

A Man Apart

“It was my Grandparent’s 50th anniversary and all of the children and grandchildren got together. When everyone posed for a family photo, you can tell EXACTLY who didn’t want to be there.”

(submitted by Anna) 

Party Animal

“A terrifying ape-man in a giant cowboy hat was at my grandparents 40th anniversary & no one in my family remembers why/who he was/who sent him.”

(via source)

Side Eyed

“This is my mother’s favorite picture of me as a child with my grandparents (her in-laws). I wonder why?”

(via ig: fan.elli

The Honeymooners

“My grandparents stayed at the Virgin Island Hotel on their honeymoon. My grandma didn’t understand why my grandpa was telling her to pose her hands and legs in this specific manner.”

(via source)