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Barn Burner

“My senior picture. We wanted to show the bond between Grandma and granddaughter.”

(submitted by Jessica) 

The Stand-In

“This is my Dad’s family in 1991 and the photo was hanging in my grandma’s house for years with the caption written underneath. Oh the things you did before Photoshop.”

(submitted by IG @the_eugene_or)

It’s A Miracle

“This is a photo of my husband (standing on the right) at age 9 attentively watching his Grandmother change his young cousin’s diaper. I can’t decide what’s more hilarious: the fact that he’s wearing a dust mask, or the open jar of miracle whip on the table. LOL!!”

(submitted by Stacy)

Hive Mind

“This is my grandmother and my dad in the late 1960s. Apparently grandma’s hair was very stylish at the time.”

(submitted by IG @grace_christinaa

All For The Nookie

“This is me, with my Gran at Bridlington in roughly 1979. For any youngsters, I must explain that Nookie Bear was a puppet of ventriloquist Roger deCourcy.”

(submitted by IG @libertygibbon

Pollen Picture

“This is a classic 4 generation picture of my fam featuring my eyes swollen shut from an allergy attack. I still can’t believe this is the one my family chose to print.”

(submitted by IG @jenellelynnlinn

Purple Haze

“One day, back in ’81 or so, MawMaw thought it would be a good idea for us to all enjoy a few glasses of her fermented ‘friendship punch’ before heading down to the photo studio at K-Mart.”

(submitted by Chuck)


“Our perfect family photo shoot was only a little hampered by my 2 year old granddaughter who decided to throw a complete fit during the sitting. We gave up trying to get her to look good and let her ‘do her own thing.’ She ended up at the bottom of the stairs and we went on without her…so to speak.”

(submitted by Minda)

Coca-Cola Classic

“My grandma was always great with the kids.”

(submitted by IG @lori_works_from_home

Water Safe

“Grandma Blanche casually drowning me for the picture.”

(submitted by IG @donutanddumpling