Seeing Red
“My older brother and I modelling Halloween creations by Mum. Clearly he was thrilled to be a mailbox.”
(submitted by Ruth)
“My dad is a doctor, so our Halloween costumes were always scrubs. I did grow up to become a doctor, but I wear pants now. My sister also became a doctor, but one who takes breaths and doesn’t stand at attention like she is here. My brother didn’t become a doctor, and he doesn’t (normally) look like he just killed something and got blood all over himself. My dad looks like he’s midst rolling his eyes at our antics… that or seizing.”
(submitted by Ashleigh)
Halloween Disharmony
“I had the classic store-bought costume, including a mask with eye holes that never lined up with your own. My brother was forced to don one of my mother’s ‘homemade’ costumes. His face says it all.”
(submitted by Angie)
Language Barrier
“My son was in 4th grade at the time and went to school with a nice boy whose mom is Japanese and dad is from Prague. I don’t think they realized his costume had multiple meanings.”
(submitted by Tina)
Dia De Muertos
“My wife and I painted each other’s faces. Apparently I took the challenge more seriously than she did.”
(via source)
The “It” Factor
“I found these while going through old photo albums this weekend. Halloween 1979, I was a canvas for my older sister’s creativity. And clearly, I was thrilled about it. And yes, clowns freak me out 37 years later!”
(submitted by Kyle)
Cavity Squad
“My childhood best friend’s family was very crafty and creative. We were always playing dress up. The dental-themed Halloween project was a major nightly endeavor that spanned weeks and involved many layers of paper mâché and tons of straws. We were a big hit in our neighborhood! I’m the nerd wearing a floss box.”
(submitted by Shannon)
Frowny The Clown
“Every year my mom’s bowling league celebrates Halloween. If my mom looks a little scary in this it’s because this photo is one of several my dad insisted she pose for before leaving. Mom is not amused. I think she’s had just about enough.”
(submitted by Debra)
Autumn Camouflage
“Mom made me this costume for my second Halloween in ’92 – Dad almost misplaced me in an actual leaf pile.”
(via source)
“This is my Googoo (grandmother) in 1980 debuting the spider costume she made. Everyone in our family has gotten to wear this in at some point in our lives (either by choice or a very strong recommendation from the designer).”
(submitted by Kelli)