Smoke Signals
“My father teaching his younger sister how to smoke while his mum is looking on.”
(submitted by IG @allysonseaborn)
Windex Marks The Spot
“Me and my bottle of windex when I was two. Ahh the 80s.”
(submitted by IG @libs2330)
Spit Take
“We got more than we bargained for during our family photo shoot. If I ever wrote a book about motherhood this would definitely be the cover! Reality at its finest. At least she waited until the end of the shoot!”
(submitted by Gina)
Glamour Girls Day
“My mom thought it would be nice to take my sister and I for a girl’s day at the local glamour shots. She didn’t always have the best ideas. Honestly, topless with a pink boa was not what my sister and I had in mind. But she genuinely thought this was pretty and proceeded to hang it in our family home for all to see for years. Love ya mom.”
(submitted by Marie)
Flower Potty
“That used toilet was once in our bathroom and instead of throwing it out, my mom decided it would make a great flower pot.”
(submitted by IG @miss_sunnybrook)
Shred Cut
“The photo is myself, my brother, and my mom in Sacramento, 1987. I had that cut for about 2 years to identify as a skateboarder. I’m still skateboarding, and just celebrated 40 years since I started.”
(submitted by IG @hairball_1974)
Outback Chic
“We grew up in the Aussie country and my mum thought she was ‘trendy’. My older bro was only 11 and already taller than my mum. New Years Eve, 1987.”
(submitted by IG @juan_pablo_burrito)
It Takes A Village
“The cat agreed with me that it’s exhausting raising a baby.”
(submitted by IG @funwithtotes)
Stay Golden
“I used to watch The Golden Girls a lot. When we showed up for pics at Glamor Shots, my mama let me pick one of the outfits. Blanche Devereaux would be so proud.”
(submitted by IG