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Leg Man

“Dad was sure the church photo would only be taken from the waist up.”

(submitted by Becky)

Clown of Honor

“My mom’s friend dressed as a clown for my parents’ wedding day. Nobody knows why.”

(submitted by IG @ashmoorevt

The Crew

“My mom and her two sisters, circa 1990. Unclear why this picture was taken or why no one thought they could smile.”

(submitted by IG @lea.nderson)

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

“There was a WWE show at Penn State back in 1995, and this cutout was part of the promotion. My husband worked there so we got to bring home The Undertaker to the delight of our two oldest kids and the confusion of our youngest.”

(submitted by IG @kristaweidner

Just For Fun

“My sister and her kids came to visit from New Zealand and we thought Calaway Park would be fun.”

(submitted by Kaley) 

Make Yourself Comfortable

“This is my mother, my sister and me posing for our annual Christmas picture in a Walmart in Louisiana circa 2008. Please note the matching Banana Republic sweaters that were purchased on clearance and no, those aren’t spray tans. It was just very hot in the studio.”

(submitted by IG @ayapetev

More Than Meets The Eye

“Being a mom isn’t easy so while you try to get one kid to sleep you’re also playing with another.”

(submitted by Kaitlen)

The New Guy

“That time my mother thought it would be a great idea to take us to Madam Tussaud’s to meet her new eight foot Slash lookalike boyfriend for the first time.”

(submitted by Roxzann)

Eagle Eyes

“I nicknamed this photo “The Stare” because of my aunt’s look of “a deer caught in the headlights.” It’s obvious that she is not reacting to the photographer, as her two sons (my cousins) are both smiling pleasantly at the photographer. Regardless, you certainly wouldn’t want to challenge my aunt to a staring contest.”

(submitted by Jenny)


“This is photo of my family (Me as a baby in the middle). My parents don’t remember the picture and I have no way how to explain the picture, but seriously my mom is not that scary.”

(submitted by Sarah)