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Wardrobe Malfunction

“This is one of my Mom’s school photos. My Grandma was out of town that day and my Mom borrowed this turtleneck and pink polyester suit from her without her knowing. Grandma was angry because the clothing is so hideous and could hardly believe that my grandpa let her leave the house looking like she did.”

(submitted by Emily)


Where Rainbows Come From

“My Mom has always been artistic when it comes to decorating cakes, but this one will always be my favorite. ‘Jeffaroonie’ didn’t appreciate it as much as the rest of us.”

(via source)

Minus Mom

“This is a family photo that was taken back in 2004. My Mom stepped out of frame to take off her glasses at the last second and the photographer (having had no warning that she was going to do so) kept shooting anyway. My Dad, brother, and I all had quite different reactions.”

(submitted by Kelsey) 

How To Label Your Family

“My Mom labeled this family photo for us kids before we died so we would know who was who, and who was a bitch.”

(via source)

The Best Medicine

“My cousin is sick, so her kid sent this to his best friend’s Mom.”

(via source)

The Hang Over

“My Mom was worried about my trip to the Grand Canyon. I sent her this picture.”

(via source)

Gifts For The Godless

“My Mom sent me an Easter care package…”

(via source)

Cute Enough To Eat

“Me and my 9-month-old daughter. What? I was merely measuring her head.”

(submitted by Catherine)

Born this Way

“This is me at age 17 pretending to be Lady Gaga…and well my mom decided to embarrass me….but you might notice the way I look is pretty much embarrassing enough on it’s own!”

(submitted by Skye)

Grabbing My Attention

“I’m a photographer at a Sears Portrait Studio and I conned my mother and her new husband to come get some photos  made with me. I was having difficulty smiling without making the squinty-eye face.  I guess my mom was getting tired of waiting on me to finally get my act together, so she reached up and grabbed my boob to make me laugh.  This was the result. I couldn’t make that face again if I tried. Not surprisingly, this is my mother’s biggest and most natural smile in the whole 2 hour session! Mom’s poor new husband doesn’t even know what he got himself into…”