Black And White
The Dad Identity
“My parents’ wedding day, February 1961. I think my Dad looks like Matt Damon.”
(via source)
The Fireplace Scam
“My aunt gave me a very old family album. This picture represent an ancestor resting her elbow on a fireplace. The pose is stiff, like everyone’s pictures from this era. But when I looked closer at the fireplace, I saw that it was only a painting. I like imagining the photographer’s instructions: ‘Move your elbow a little higher!'”
(submitted by Guillaume)
Head Games
Via our friends at Mashable and their Retronaut collection, a gallery of Victorian-era “head shots.” Robert E. Jackson, a curator of vintage snapshots who purchased this gallery from eBay and other sources, says the photos offer a weird and hilarious look at 19th and 20th century photo manipulation.
“Sometimes a photo exists simply to provide a smile or a laugh, without any hidden agenda or messages,” says Jackson, who owns nearly 12,000 images in his vintage photography collection. “They might say more about the technical abilities of the photographer than the subjects themselves.”
Proof that ever since cameras were invented, people have found ways to have fun with them.
Thongs Not Wrong
“This is my Dad meeting the queen. He’s wearing “thongs” (aka flip flops). The first time I found out my Dad met the Queen was today when a newspaper re-ran an article called “Even For The Queen, Thongs Not Wrong.”
(submitted by Summa)
Why So Serious?
“When I was five my Dad told me to make my ‘serious face’ for the camera. So I did.”
(via source)
My Brother’s Anguish
“I found this image of my little brother. We found that lying in the street and he had to take a picture with it.”
(via source)
Vodka Stand
“My great-grandfather in his younger years doing a headstand… while being funneled Smirnoff.”
(via source)
The Pre-Photoshop Days
“This pic of me and my Dad was on his desk at work for over 25 years. Wasn’t until he retired that I noticed this…”
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