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Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

(via Imgur)

Dog Day Afternoon

Finally, order has been restored to the universe.

(via Imgur)


Lesser known member of the U.S.S. Enterprise jam band.

(via Imgur)

Ava’s Crap

Looks like both Mom and Ava are going through a phase.

(via Imgur)


Don’t even go there.

(submitted by Basma)

Magic Touch

“Yesterday, 9/22, was my one year wedding anniversary.”

(submitted by Fredo)

Palmistry For Parents

(from our friends at

Beauty And The Beast

“When I was younger, my family and I would have themed Halloween costumes. This year was Beauty and the Beast. My aunt’s Lumiere costume was a crowd favorite, of course, and my older sister was forced to be Cogsworth just for the photo. The photo also features myself as Belle, my little sister as Chip, my mother at Mrs. Potts, and my dad as the Beast. It’s an odd picture, but one of my favorites from my childhood.”

And the year before…

(submitted by Grace)

Lord Of The Rings

“I was so excited for a matching dress and hair accessories and thought that I looked like Princess Leia.”

(submitted by Lizzie)

My Best Friend’s Wedding

Perhaps you want to rethink your choice for best man.

(via source)