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“This is a photo of me, age 11, and my brother, David, age 15, Christmas 1970. My brother has a dislocated shoulder (wrestling), and I have a broken arm (sledriding). My mother happened to be out of town when I got hurt, and when she got home she told me to quit fooling around and “take that off,” because she thought I was faking it to get attention. Add this to my three concussions, and the 7 times my sister needed stitches in her head, and its no wonder my mom was not happy!”

Saturday Night Special: Red, White, and White

What’s real and what’s stuffed? You decide.

(submitted by John)

Saturday Night Special: The Ring-Bearer

Jimmy assessed the situation and decided they could wait.

(submitted by Timothy)

The Dog And I

You smile.

(submitted by JJ)


“I’ve played the harp since I was seven. We hosted a recital at our house for all my teacher’s students, which is why there are three harps in the room. But there are so many things I can’t explain about this. Why am I wearing the shirt and hat from my Peter Pan costume from Halloween about five years earlier? Why am I only wearing the top half of this costume, paired with black jeans tucked into weird ankle boots? Why am I wearing a liter of lipstick at the age of nine? Why did I ever have that haircut? The world may never know.”


Joy isn’t the only motivation.

(submitted by Ryan)


This possum is a spooner.

(submitted by Alison)


Don’t toy with me.

(submitted by Maggie)

French Kiss

When you see an opening, you take it.

(submitted by Katie)

Saturday Night Special: The Golden Child

Did we mention he was a Golden?

(submitted by Brenda)