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School Photos

Dialed In

“I was a homeschooled girl back in 1997. My Mom took me to get my senior pictures taken and this is what they did to me!”

(submitted by Megan)

Skool Photo

“For my first grade photo, we were asked to ‘bring something that means a lot to you.'”

(via source)

Camera Unfriendly

“Here’s a compilation of all my grade school photos. Somehow I managed to look ugly every year except sixth grade.”

(submitted by Robin) 

I’m A Lumberjack

“Making Mom proud, one lumberjack photo at a time.”

(via source

Polar Opposites

“My favourite bands were Backstreet Boys and Marilyn Manson.”

(via source

Little Vanilla Ice

“That’s me in 5th grade. Shaved lines and eyewear retainers.”

(via source)

Sweater Inception

“It was picture day and I wanted to wear my favorite sweater and my favorite pants. Nine-year-old me didn’t give a heck if they matched or not. Surely one of the miniature sweaters ON my sweater matched my pants. Also, I had this problem of just smiling as big as I could in pictures no matter what.”

(submitted by Valerie)

Grin Trouble

“Before taking my kindergarten school picture, my mom was adamant that I “show my teeth” when I smiled. This was the result.”

(submitted by Sarah) 

Bowling For Shakespeare

“In our senior English class we had to make Shakespearean Globe Theaters out of a non-wood material. My group used duct tape. To complete the look for the senior picture, I wore my duct tape dress, shoes, tiara and bracelet. I don’t know how the bowling pin on a pedestal worked into the theme.”

(submitted by Melody)

Trouble With The Curve

“I wanted to look like all the other little girls with curly hair on picture day but my hair was super straight. This was the best I could do. I wouldn’t let my mother touch my ‘do.”

(submitted by Toni)