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Why So Serious?

“The theme of our family photo from the early 80s was I guess: ‘Let’s pretend we’re having a fun family game night…but be serious.'”

(submitted by IG @annette__kennedy_


“When I was growing up, my dad was an amateur beekeeper.  When a large swarm appeared in our backyard, Dad posed the neighbor Kenny and me (age 4) in front of it, for perspective I suppose.  Those are finger puppets on my hands.  We have other photos where we are standing even closer, but those didn’t come out as well.”

(submitted by Leslie)

The Punk & The Hunk

“I was a punk in high school and my brother got all the ladies.”

(submitted by Nick)

Dirt Foot

“A lovely picture of my Mom and me…oh and my sister’s stanky foot!!”

(submitted by IG @gloria951312

Bizarro World

“Argentina, 1989. These are my sisters and me with ‘The Pink Panther,’ ‘Alf’ and ‘El Zorro.'”

(submitted by IG @aneleypay

Birthday Pox

“Had the chicken pox on my 7th birthday so my mom made me this special cake.”

(submitted by IG @beerbozo

Werewolf In Blackpool

“Blackpool c.1986. I’m the one in the mask and furry gloves standing with my brother. I wanted to be a werewolf and refused to take the costume off for photos or anything for that matter and kept it on all day.”

(submitted by IG @likecyrano

Big Brother Blues

“March 10, 1980, Cedar Rapids IA. I really didn’t want a baby sister.”

(submitted by IG @gutstrings75

Fit To Be Bow Tied

“Me and my brother, mid 70’s, in the classic bully shot. Can hardly blame him for pounding on me with my bow tie and vest, though. Thanks, mom and dad.”

(submitted by IG @cameronscottc

Spider Girls

“My sister (the legs in the picture) and I (the face) were taking dance pictures and the photographer wanted us to strike our favorite pose. Needless to say, we came home with an entertaining conversation piece!”

(submitted by Ashley)