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3 Sailors Recreation

“My sisters and I decided to do a 40 year recreation of us in these gawd-awful sailor outfits. It was our Mother’s Day gift this year.”

(submitted by Adam)

Smile Direct

“Of all the nicely posed school photos, this was the oddest. I don’t know what made the photographer pick this one to send us. Mind you, Agatha (the crazy four year old) is still a bit crazy.”

(submitted by Sarah)

Going Greek

“Growing up as an American overseas placed us in some interesting photos among the majestic Greek statues.”

(submitted by Sami Lynn)

Norwegian Gothic

“This is me, my father and brother celebrating Norway’s National Day as a kid. We had fun once.”

(via source)

Ball Three

“This perfectly timed photo of my brother attempting to play baseball.”

(via source

Miss Piggy

“My parents used to put us through a lot when we were younger, but my sister as the pig definitely got it the worst.”

(via source)

Nothing But Aquanet

“The women in my family went through a lot of hairspray in the 80’s.”

(via source)

Mohawk Rebellion

“This photo was taken in my backyard, shortly after my family marched in the town’s tri-centennial parade. Their costumes were on loan from the Westford Historical Society. My costume was of my own devising.”

(via Devin Person on Instagram)

The Eyes Have It

“I grew up in a small city in western New York state. My best guess is that this was taken at the local mall. I’m the girl (yes that’s a girl) on the left and the bewildered baby is my brother. So much awkwardness going on here, with the homemade-looking set and bunny costume. It all looks pretty innocent, until you zoom in on the eye. Straight up terrifying! Happy Easter!”

(submitted by Crystal) 

Nightmare Before Easter

“My mom thought it was a good idea to dress up as the Easter Bunny for us as kids.”

(via source)