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Call Of The Wild

“My brother and I on our first backpacking trip about 12 years ago in the Glen Aulin backpacker’s campground in Yosemite National Park. My dad took the pic while he was making breakfast, it was about 6:30 a.m. We were startled, and then more in awe, but not scared as black bears don’t bother people unless you’re messing with their kids. The bear walked right past us to our bear proof food canister, sniffed it, batted it around, then walked away.”

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Iron Makeover

“My daughter stole her brother’s favorite toy and gave him a makeover.”

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Nacho Libre

“My little brother got sent home today. I couldn’t stop laughing.”

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An Ode To My New Sister

“My parents keep this framed on the wall. It’s a poem written and illustrated by my brother in second grade.”

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The Ex Factor

“My grandma likes this picture of my brother and me on her fridge, but isn’t particularly fond of my ex.”

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No Rod Required

“My kids were canoeing at a park when my son saw the tail of this huge grass carp and decided he wanted it. With no fishing rod or gear, he just hopped out of the canoe and grabbed it up. He loved on it for a little, letting the ‘mammarazzi’ shoot some pics, and released the shocked fish. Then I sent him home with his dad, since he smelled like a giant fish.”

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Wedding Casual

“I didn’t want to get dressed up for my sister’s wedding.”

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Face In The Mirror

“My brother got married in January. My parents loved this photo. So do I, but for different reasons.”

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The Man In The Bushes

“I’ve been scanning old Kodachrome slides and I thought this was just a nice photograph of my mother among the magnolias. Then I realized it was a double exposure and a pretty creepy one! That’s my eldest brother peering over her shoulder.”

(submitted by Amelia) 

My Brother’s Weeper

“How a big brother views his little sister getting married.”

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