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Family Portrait

Eagle Eyes

“I nicknamed this photo “The Stare” because of my aunt’s look of “a deer caught in the headlights.” It’s obvious that she is not reacting to the photographer, as her two sons (my cousins) are both smiling pleasantly at the photographer. Regardless, you certainly wouldn’t want to challenge my aunt to a staring contest.”

(submitted by Jenny)

Mane Attraction

“Yeah, this is supposed to be a family photo, but let’s be honest: the real star is my brother’s ginormous, outrageously over-teased hair.”

(submitted by Laura)

Meet The Mullets

“This is a photo of my parents and I when I was about two years old. My hair grew in as a mullet and both of my parents had them as well. All my friends die laughing and think it’s fake when I show it to them.”

(submitted by Brynhild)

Minor Threat

“This is a family portrait from 1987. I just love the contrast of the punk rock kids, coupled with the wholesomeness of Mom and daughter. It brings a smile to all of us.”

(submitted by Matt)

No Way Out

“Not sure what the photographer said to inspire the smile through the pained expressions on all of us, but Dad is clearly looking for a way out.”

(submitted by IG @alisongatl)

Dialed In

“My family owned an Internet service provider when I was growing up, and this was our big promo shot.”

(submitted by Nikki) 

Toga Party

“My husband, his mother and sister. My mother-in-law thought she was being ‘artistic.'”

(submitted by Lea)

Daughter Brawl

“This pretty much sums up my childhood. I’m the blond on the left burying my head in my sister’s lap while she gets in a cheap shot. The youngest is fish-hooking my other sister while my mother looks on and laughs. My father is letting everyone know what his future looks like with four daughters like these.”

(submitted by Linday)


“The year was 1992. The place was Olan Mills. I’m the one with glasses, braces and the mushroom cut. My sister and I were wearing matching dresses my grandmother made. There is so much going on in this picture, I don’t even know where to start.”

(submitted by IG @ronislaton

Jesse’s Protest

“My Mom bought a family portrait for a school fundraiser.  My little brother, Jesse, refused to cooperate, so finally my Mom told him he could just turn around.  Sixteen-year-old me is in the tie-dye, wishing this was not my family.”

(submitted by Gina)