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She cannot get that cat off her mind.

(submitted by Jaclyn)


“This is a photo of my family and its menagerie (ferret, snake, cat, dog) circa 1985. Less than a year later, we added a pig to the mix, and our childhood also included at various points a goat, raccoons, iguanas, chameleons, ponies, mice, rats, too many small lizards to count and at least one bird that was killed by a ferret.”

(submitted by Will)


Here kitty kitty.

(submitted by Erika)

Nothing To See Here

Ryan’s father was just trying to help him get over his fear of tigers.

(submitted by Ryan)

Don’t You Forget About Me

Three is not a crowd for this kitty.

(submitted by Jenny)


Go ahead. Take your best shot.

(submitted by Raphaela)


Miss Maggie was trying to figure out her best angle.

(submitted by Suzanne)

Two Player Game

That’s what you get for introducing your cat to Angry Birds.

(submitted by Garry)


You’re good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.

(submitted by John, Photo from Birthday Book by Suzanne Green & Kate Green)

Joy To The World

It feels good to get out of the house every now and then.

(submitted by Kathy)