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Bad Boys

You can fight the law, but you can’t fight a feeling.

(submitted by Kat)

Your Dress is Calling

“This is a photo of me – my friends thought this was worth sharing with the site as I’ve become infamous for the phone dress. I don’t know what my mother was thinking, but I think it was, “One day, my daughter’s friends are really going to enjoy making fun of this.”

(submitted by Priscilla)

Loch & Load


(submitted by Laura)

Motor Mouth

“I used to be a chatter box when I was younger & my mom had this sweat shirt screen printed for me during a winter vacation. As you can imagine, I was thrilled about it.”

(submitted by Savannah)

Don’t Blink

“When my son had his school photo taken, he was terrified of blinking and having his eyes closed. He was also wearing his favorite Roadkill shirt because he felt that he looked especially handsome in it.”

(submitted by Sharon)

White Lines

“A picture taken of my father and sister. This is around 1983-1984. It was a professional photo, not candid, so he had to plan this outfit out.”

(submitted by Kim)