Norwegian Gothic
“This is me, my father and brother celebrating Norway’s National Day as a kid. We had fun once.”
(via source)
Grave Bomb
“I explained photobombing to my mom. She doesn’t understand the boundaries quite yet.”
(via source)
Smooth Operator
“This is my Dad at a fraternity party circa 1977. Although he’s a mellow and mature 62 year old now, I like to watch Animal House to picture his younger years. Bad hair, worse stache, but amazing shirt.”
@hoxy16, via our friends at @oldschooldads)
Face In The Crowd
“My grandparents decided to have a family photo done many years ago when my aunt was out of town. So, 5 of the 6 children were present for the photo. They decided to later add a photo (a bad photo) of my aunt to perfect the picture and complete the family photo. Honestly, you can barely tell it was even altered.”
(submitted by David)