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A Nutty Aroma

“My dad bought a new candle. He’s amused.”

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Flabs And Abs

“My kid brother is a physique competitor and just got new photos done. I’m a stay-at-home-Dad and couldn’t help myself.”

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Dad Spotting

“My daughter’s first formal school dance. Can you spot the spying Dad?”

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Holiday Bird

“At my 4-year-old son’s school, the kids had all taken holiday photos. I went to pick up my son’s picture packet, but it was missing except for a small proof. I asked why did they not have his packet, and the guy handed me the proof and said, ‘You should look at his fingers.’ I did. He let me keep the proof as a souvenir.”

(submitted by Chet)

Middle School Gothic

“8th grade winter formal with my 7th grade boyfriend.”

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Belly Up

“Pops rock’n a belly shirt and afro in the 1980’s.”

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Time To Pay

“Fiance got her Student Loan repayment email…while attending her college graduation.”

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Veggie Dip

“Wondering whether or not you should wear that condom or take birth control? Because this is real life.”

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Mother’s Day Condolences

“My daughter has a weird sense of humor. This is the Mother’s Day card she gave me last year.”

(submitted by Melissa)

The Limits Of Recreation

“My dad literally got a hernia trying to recreate this.”

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