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Fancy Feast

“When my wife leaves town, I get bored. Six days into her vacation I joked “I’m going to have a formal dinner with the cats.” Then I thought about it for a while…….”

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Father and Son of Anarchy

“How do you get a 7 year old into a smokey biker bar? Dress him up like you and parade him around as your personal mascot. I played a lot of pool during my youth while Dad drank beer with his friends. I still, to this day, hate motorcycles and all things leather. Thanks, Dad.”

(submitted by Will)

Get Well Soon

“So I was in the hospital for endometriosis and my sister sent me this…”

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Recreating The Awkwardness

“18 years later, and some things never change!”

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Bear Hug

“My father took this of me in 1968 in the parking lot of Lollipop Farm, a petting zoo in Henrietta, NY.  Apparently, they just had a grizzly bear head lying around for kids to play with.  I probably had bear brains in my hair when I too, that thing off.”

(submitted by Dorothy)

Stylin’ and Profilin’

“Decided to spoof my son’s Facebook profile photo.”

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Tea For Two

“I REALLY wanted to leave these signs on the pram today. As a twin mum, you get asked a series of questions/hear a series of statements EVERYTIME you go out. I know most people are coming from a great place and are just curious however many can be quite intrusive and after a while it’s just plain exhausting. And since I was heading into the city, I knew the questions would be coming thick and fast… but I chickened out on the train and took them off!”

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Wet Paint

“When you lose track of your toddler for just two seconds.”

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What To Expect

“The moment sh*% got real.”

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The Hand Curl

“This is a picture of me with my older brother. I can’t figure out why my hand is so tenderly wrapped around his neck, but it is now what is known as ‘the hand curl.'”

(submitted by Brian)