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Freaky The Snowman

Only the sun can save us now.

(via girlfriend)


“My dad climbed in a turtle shell shirtless and started eating greens. My mom climbed on top and rubbed his head.” (submitted by Michele)

Rockabye Baby

Nightmares be gone.

(via Su)

Foo Fighter

You can’t hide from us, David.

(submitted by Kevin)

Only The Strong Survive

Putting it all into perspective.

(via Aplus)

White Wedding

“At the time it seemed so perfect and magical but looking back………I can’t decide what the worst element of it is! The hair, the white tux, the white patent shoes, the dress, the pink motif, it’s all so awful!”

(submitted by Shawn)

The Rennies

This photo was taken in 2007 or 2008. I am the young girl in this my parents made me go to this renaissance fair when I was sick. This day was hot, and my parents made me wear all this old looking heavier clothing. That was not pleasant. My mom is not dressed appropriate for a family picture. My brother is starring away and my dad his smile on his face. What kind of smile is that? And he is wearing sunglasses… I don’t think they had those prescription sunglasses back in the day, Dad.”

(submitted by Payton Marie)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Joe)

Arm’s Length

“Surprisingly, not much has changed in the family dynamic since then. Mom still favors the family cat over dad, I still take horrible photos and yes, we’re always this cheery around the holiday season.”

(submitted by Laura)


“This is me Christmas morning in 1986. I was ten years old. Apparently, at some point in the future I would get the whole bike. But for now . . .”

(submitted by Andrew)