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great outdoors


“This is a photo of my dad (far right) and his three brothers. I guess the photographer couldn’t find a larger prop to set them on, and instead had them straddle and squeeze in.”

(submitted by Mandy)

Simply Radishing

“This is the man I live with showing off his harvest many years ago.”

(submitted by Linda)

The Corpse Bride and Groom

“My wife and I on our wedding day. I’m not quite sure what the photographer was trying to get with this one.”

(submitted by Jake)

The Great Outdoors

“Came across this in a box of family photos tonight… As I’m told, my mom was camping in Naples back in the early 80s and snapped this shot of another family on the campgrounds. Note the man in the green shorts who was clearly the first one to pitch a tent. ”

(submitted by Katie)

The Smoosher

You may now smoosh the bride.

(submitted by Adam)

The Rockettes: Birthday Special

Sometimes the background is enough. Happy 70th from AFP to the man in the rear-entry boots!

(submitted by Mike)

Field of Dreams

If you build it, it will grow.

(submitted by Thomas)

The Last Laugh

Ah, the birth of revenge.

(submitted by Tammera)

Out On A Limb

Cousin Fletcher thought he was above it all.

(submitted by Linnea)


“This is my husbands paternal Grandparents. They were burning down an old barn on their farm. I have always loved this picture because of their pose and expressions totally does not match the background.”

(submitted by Rachel)