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Thor, Party Of Two

“A friend of mine captured this awkward family dinner.”

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“Last year, my spirited son, Henry, came home from school with this note in his folder. I had a really hard time keeping a straight face!”

(submitted by Katie)

The Truth About Grandma

“My grandma showed me this letter I sent her when I was six. She has kept this for over twenty years.”

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Those Aren’t Ferns

“My seven-year-old daughter asked for fingerless gloves with flowers on them. Grandma delivered.”

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Downward Dog

“We took engagement photos with our new puppy. This one is my favorite.”

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One Reason To Be Sent Home From School

“My little brother got sent home today. I couldn’t stop laughing.”

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Recreating the Awkwardness

“My brothers and I recreated a portrait from our childhood 18 years later.”

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Tooth Fairy Law

When Emily Winter lost a tooth as a child in 1989, her lawyer parents handled it in an unusual way. Her mother drafted an affadavit for her to sign, which outlined the circumstances of her “lost or missing tooth,” and ordered the tooth fairy to “compensate Affiant in the usual and customary manner.” After Winter signed, her father notarized the document. This might explain why Winter is now a comedian. (via source)

Lil’ Kim

“I have some South Korean friends who are brothers. Last night they got into an argument. This is the result.”

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Ethan’s Gone List

“My daughter’s list in case anything happens to her older brother.”

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