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All Smiles

They chose a natural setting.

(submitted by Austin)

Center of Attention

Let’s just say they’re big fans.

(submitted by Jenna)

The Last Dance

It’s that moment when we realize just how lucky we are to have her.

(submitted by Evan)


“Mom decided to save money on costumes that “you only wear once.” She tied trash bags on my brother and I and stuffed them with newspaper, smeared brown eye shadow on our faces and pasted big signs on our chests that said TRASH.”

(submitted by Michelle)

Awkward Holiday Photos!

Dear Awkward Family,

We are in the final stages of putting together our next book, Awkward Family Holiday Photos (in stores Nov. ’13). We are still looking for a few more uncomfortable pics taken during the following holidays!

  • Valentines Day
  • Hannukah
  • July4th
  • Thanksgiving

Pls submit your photos here and write HOLIDAY BOOK in the title field.




Senior Moment

“This is one of my highschool senior portraits, the photographer did not capture the best angle in this shot.”

(submitted by Lynn Ann)


He was their shining star.

(submitted by Sam)

Head Games

One of them has a confession to make.

(submitted by Dick)

Look Who’s Not Talking

“This is a photo of a close family friend. He is a ventriloquist, so decided to send a picture of all of his ‘kids'”

(submitted by Kylee)

Snakes On A Photoshoot

“My husband and I a couple years ago while we were dating. I set up my ‘studio’. Looking back, I see it for what it truly is-awful and AWKWARD! LOL!

(submitted by B)