Diaper Dandy
“My grandparents’ golden retriever sniffing my tush right in the middle of my 1971 workout.”
(submitted by IG @stuporfly)
Windex Marks The Spot
“Me and my bottle of windex when I was two. Ahh the 80s.”
(submitted by IG @libs2330)
Modern Art
“I thought buying the power washer would be a good way for my fifteen year old son to help out around the house.”
(submitted by IG @dtmontante)
Merry Gothmas
“I asked my parents to do a family photo with me and this was the end result. I’m a very festive person.”
(submitted by Lizzy)
The Flute Split
“I distinctly remember the envy I felt when the family photographer suggested a solo series of my sister doing the splits and playing the flute, neither of which I could do. I did have a matching American flag sailor outfit, however.”
(submitted by IG @thea_wolfe)
Potty Party
“Me, sitting on the newly installed toilet, with my proud Grandpa and my little brother in the early 70s.”
(submitted by IG @rockergirl.68)
“I had been bugging my son about getting his quote done for the yearbook before the deadline. He seemed to be ignoring me so I gave him some advice about what not to do. Apparently he listened this time!”
(submitted by Andrea)
Santa’s Little Yelpers
“It was a hard Christmas for my kids that year.”
(submitted by IG @frizziemom)