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The Good Wife

“I was newly married to the gentleman sitting in the garage and this was 1985. Women’s liberation didn’t hit very hard in my house growing up, so when I married young at 19, I felt it was my duty to be a good little wife and keep up his 1978 Camaro Z28. He happily sat there while I did the oil change, too. He’ll tell you that it was all my idea. HA! I’m still married to that guy and love him dearly, but my how times have changed. Oh, and I can’t even remember having a big mullet like that. Good GAWD! I also can’t remember who took this photo, but I’m pretty sure it was my father-in-law, grinning happily that his son had married a ‘good woman’.”

(submitted by Michelle)

Dear Stefanie

The letter you send when you want her to break up with you.

(submitted by Chris)

Mum’s The Word

“Notice the moon shine jug, shot gun, lucky horse shoe, and the glimmer of a wash board to the left decorated with a bow. Shelly chose the best mom jeans ever which were not only high rise, but I suspect she may have buttoned them with her teeth.
I believe she and Dan not only had a two-fer coupon on the button down shirts but also the haircut/style. Dan had a lovely Mum made to commemorate the 1983 Sadie Hawkins dance. Nothing says love like a lovely stuffed Pac-Man.”

(submitted by Karen)

Peas In A Pod

They had similar interests.

(submitted by Fran)

Blades Of Glory

We’ll have what they’re having.

(submitted by Kristian)

Cupid Revisited

See the original Cupid here.

(submitted by Scott)

Always on My Mind

“My mom’s engagement photo shoot involved some thought-provoking poses.”

(submitted by Ashley)

Shoulder Beard

It was time to shave her shirt.

(submitted by Rebecca)

The Last Crusade

“My wife and I decided to do something creative for our 21st anniversary portrait– 21 Years of Adventure.”

(submitted by Ken)

Parolling In The Deep

Breaking up is hard to do.

(submitted by Antoine)