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Hot Rod

“I drew this Father’s Day card for my dad in first grade (1991). He was (and still is) an auto mechanic and frequently wore a tattered t-shirt that said “Mechanics Have Hot Rods.” Of course, he had lots of cool cars! I didn’t know why everyone found this so amusing.”

(submitted by Ryan)

This Magic Moment

“So I was going through some old photos and I found this. My Dad holding Magic Johnson and looking incredibly badass while doing it. A little backstory. My Dad was good friends with Jerry Buss’ niece, and was invited to a Laker’s picnic. He played volleyball all his life and Magic, along with a few others, wanted to test his skills. He played Magic and as he was going up for a spike, my Dad slammed it back into his face to win the game. Magic came up to him after, grabbed him and said, “Next time, you’re on my team.” They both had a good laugh and my Dad swooped him up into his arms.”

(via source)

Boobie Trap

“She got a text from a boy asking to see her bra. Dad replied.”

(via source)

Bathroom Selfies

“My husband has tried to tell my son that posting bathroom selfies is not cool and not something guys do.
He decided to take one of his own too to make a point.  It was also the topic of discussion for my husband, an attorney, in the courtroom the next day. We file it under ‘parenting win.'”

(submitted by Erin)

Can You Take Me Higher?

“My dad always got us so high.”

(via source)


“I think my son may be plotting to kill me.”

(via source)

Mr. Roboto

“My dad with his first car in a cardboard robot suit – 1981”

(via source)

Ex In-Laws

“My Dad with his (now ex) in-laws. Circa 1982.”

(via source)

Selfie Stick

“When you can’t afford a selfie stick.”

(via source)

Father and Son of Anarchy

“How do you get a 7 year old into a smokey biker bar? Dress him up like you and parade him around as your personal mascot. I played a lot of pool during my youth while Dad drank beer with his friends. I still, to this day, hate motorcycles and all things leather. Thanks, Dad.”

(submitted by Will)