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Recreating The Awkwardness

(via The Luxton Brothers)

Lost In Translation

“Our dad asked his friend to recreate our Sears family portrait and paint this masterpiece onto canvas as an anniversary gift for our grandparents.  Yes indeed, he actually PAID money for this beauty.”

(submitted by Nichole)


“In middle school, I was the only girl on the wrestling team. My brother was on it as well and to save money, we decided to take our picture together. I now regret that decision.”

(submitted by Tiffany)

Puppet Master

“This is a photo of my oldest son and my grandmother(his great-grandmother) at a Grandparents Dance while he was visiting her in Texas last summer. Apparently, the photographer felt as if this was the most natural pose for both of them.”

(submitted by Jennifer)

The Great Bambini

It’s a good thing he wore red.

(submitted by Joseph)

Jolly Old England

“Family trip to England in 1980. From the left, myself, my father, and my sister. My Mom was taking the photo. Apparently, I was having a bad day.”

(submitted by Geoffrey)

This Is One

“My mom’s friend wanted to have a first birthday party photo session of my niece so she could give the photos to my mom as a surprise. However, my niece did NOT want to cooperate. Let’s just say, you don’t see any pictures like this pop up on Pinterest.”

(submitted by Katie)

Here’s Looking At You, Kid

He was always camera ready.

(submitted by Cory)

Going To The Chapel

“It was my wedding day and our church put up a large sign promoting the sermon topic.  That week, they just happened to begin a series of sermons on sex, money, drugs.  Made for some lovely wedding photos.”

(submitted by Craig)

Lipstick Junkie

The color is all wrong for her.

(submitted by Sara)