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The Sculpture

Art from every angle.

(submitted by Estacio)

The Look

You’ve been identified.

(submitted by John in the UK)

Swiss Misters

“Me with my two brothers in 1968. We just moved to Switzerland  where my father got a good job with a much better salary than before. So we were showing off a new bicycle, a new scooter, new clothes, and my mother’s impeccable sense of fashion.”

(submitted by Gautier in France)


At least one of them was convinced.

(submitted by Jeffrey)


He wanted them in his heart and in the dermis layer of his skin.

(submitted by Deidre)

Happy Easter from AFPP!

Some things are better to repress.

(submitted by Lindsey)

The Look Of Love

“This is a picture of my parents, my brother, and I on their wedding day. We all remember the occasion as a joyous, stress-free one, but my mom and I were looking through photos the other day and ran across this one. My mom must have been upset about something, but for the life of us, none of us can remember this moment! I’m the one in the front, distressed about our new situation, while my brother rolls his eyes next to me.”

(submitted by Kayla)

Towel Holder

She was known for her clean technique.

(submitted by Whitney)

Macho Man

“This is my little sister in costume for her dance routine to the Village People’s “Macho Man” song. The sad part is, someone put a lot of effort into creating this monstrosity, and what’s worse, made her wear it.”

(submitted by Celia)

Snow Patrol

“I’m ashamed to admit I made this photo happen. I’m a bad mother.”

(submitted by Sarah)