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Spider-Man On A Budget

“Nothing says the 1970s like a pageboy haircut and fat Spider-Man.”

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Bryan For Sale

“When my friend was a little kid, he tried to sell himself after getting mad at his family.”

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“My four year old learned a valuable lesson today (fortunately, he wasn’t hurt).”

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Straight Shooter

“My little brother is a man who knows what he wants.”

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“This was back in the 80’s when child safety was of no concern to adults. We never figured out if my grandpa took this picture for posterity or to shame me for not being able to safely use a large knife at 6 years-old. (Knowing him, my money’s on the latter.)”

(submitted by Nancy)

First Day

Couldn’t come soon enough for some.

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You Better Work

“I invented Vogue.”

A Science Project On Science Projects

You cannot dispute sound science.

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Get Well Soon

“An interesting ‘Get Well Soon’ card from my seven year-old sister to my nine year-old brother who had a slight fever.”

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“I’m safely assuming drugs were the reason that led my parents to have a t-shirt of my face made back in the 80’s.  Now, it’s my son’s favorite thing to wear.”

(submitted by Sandy)