The Not-So-Little Mermaid
“My husband on the couch of a house we rented in St John.”
(submitted by Brigette)
Croatian Vacation
“My parents and my little sister on a vacation in Croatia. It was a long day and she was quite tired.”
(submitted by IG @midnightpeoplemag)
String Theory
“My family would frequently visit my grandmother in Florida. I’m the baby in the stroller int is picture.During these visits my parents loved to bike. Only in the 80s could you allow your infant son to be towed along behind your bike with a string!”
(submitted by Corey)
Going Nuclear
“Me and my mullet visiting Three Mile Island on our family vacation in the late 80s.”
(submitted by IG @this_is_private_ok)
The River Wild
“Nana was eager to try something new. Whitewater rafting. Her face says it all.”
(submitted by Cheryl)
Final Destination
“This is a photo of my family on vacation around 1981 or so. I’m the boy in the red shirt along with my brother and sister and our cousin.”
(submitted by Derrick)
Trunk Show
“Just me and my dad taking a break from a road trip in the 1970s. Apparently my parents found it convenient to just pop the trunk and prop me in a box while they took a break from driving. I had always heard the story and now I finally have proof.”
Somewhere I Belong
“My joyous 2009 vacation to California with my parents.”
(submitted by IG @pigeonfruit)