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A Calendar 2022

What’s In A Name

“Dad came up with the name for the boat.”

(submitted by IG @seriouslydiane)



Holiday Spirits

“This was my attempt at taking a family holiday photo. There was lots of fighting. Tears. A broken snow globe. And an accidental shot of my cleavage as I cleaned up the mess. There was a lot of bourbon as well. This one was an accident but ended up being my favorite.”

(submitted by IG @ellediabla)


Second Thoughts

“Our daughter was not cooperating at the photoshoot.”

(submitted by Jeff)

Sad Santa

“I don’t remember having this photo taken, but every time I look at it as an adult, I am horrified that I was planted on Santa’s lap. He couldn’t look any less excited about his job…..I’m looking a little uncertain about the whole thing as well! Bet there wasn’t a “ho, ho, ho” greeting involved here!”

(submitted by Patti) 

Consider Me Not Impressed

“I am holding my youngest sister (15 years younger) and my other sister (4 years old at the time) was clearly not impressed by the new kid on the block.”

(submitted by Andi) 

Dust In The Wind

“We were trying to make a rainbow with smoke bombs for our pregnancy announcement. The plan was for my husband to light them really fast then take a picture in front of them. We didn’t know this picture happened till days later going through all the pictures. We realized it looked like my husband farted and my daughter smelled it.”

(submitted by Jordyn)

Oh, Brother

“It turns out she was expecting a little sister and that was the source of all the drama.”

(submitted by Joe)

Destination Wedding

“My mom got pregnant out of wedlock in 1969. Since it was taboo back then, she was forced to get married. Her father was in the hospital on the day she was to be wed, so the ceremony was held in his small hospital room (wedding cake is in lower right of pic). You can tell she was thrilled about it by the look on her face.”

(submitted by Heather) 

That 70s Family

“My parents and siblings in 1972. Kids couldn’t resist interrupting photo session.”

(submitted by Kathleen) 

Far Out

“Our family photo taken at Olan Mills.”

(submitted by Megan)