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Thumb Wrestling

“What a proud moment for mom. Little did she know that there was no thumb sucking allowed in this picture!”

(submitted by Julie)

The Wedding Rumble

“Fight that broke out at my great-uncle’s wedding, 1968. I don’t remember all the details, but I think my great-uncle told me that some guys who somehow knew the bride showed up without being invited. Eventually, when the band took a break, they sat down in the band’s seats and started messing around with their instruments. Someone went up to confront them, then someone pulled someone off the stage and all hell broke loose. Maybe it was a bad omen, as the marriage didn’t last. But what cracks me up is that the official wedding photographer saw the fight and took the picture.”

(via source)

The Fight Before Christmas

“Our annual family pictures used to be very stressful events, but 1998 took the cake. In this picture, I had just taken a Santa doll from my sister. She retaliated by slapping me and taking the doll back. I was clutching my face and my dad flipped her over his shoulder just as the automatic timer went off. All my mom could do was stand by helplessly.”

(submitted by Emily) 


“Circa 1983. My dad clearly has no idea whats going on. Smile!”

(submitted by Carley)