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Pepto Perfect

“It was my dad’s idea to dress us all for the annual family photo in pink.”

(submitted by Katie)

The Rennies

This photo was taken in 2007 or 2008. I am the young girl in this my parents made me go to this renaissance fair when I was sick. This day was hot, and my parents made me wear all this old looking heavier clothing. That was not pleasant. My mom is not dressed appropriate for a family picture. My brother is starring away and my dad his smile on his face. What kind of smile is that? And he is wearing sunglasses… I don’t think they had those prescription sunglasses back in the day, Dad.”

(submitted by Payton Marie)

Prophet of Doom

“We didn’t celebrate Halloween at our house. We begged to go trick-or-treating, so this was the compromise. Dad went with us door to door as the Prophet of Doom.”

(submitted by Chelsea)

Penny Farthing

“Growing up in Australia, our neighbour owned a “Ye Olde” penny farthing bicycle, of which he was most proud. One day he insisted that my dad take a ride on his prized possession. Needless to say, it was a terrifying experience for him!”

(submitted by Louise)