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Holiday Hair

“Me and my mom with our matching Christmas mullets.”

(submitted by IG @kittyology80)

Triple Threat

“My dad, his brothers, and their mullets.”

(submitted by Dane)

Mullets In The Mist

“This is a picture of my family from 1984 near Vancouver, BC. Apparently, mullets for all family members were mandatory.”

(submitted by IG @travisheppner and IG

O’ Mighty Mullet

“My friend Mike’s rock star mullet when he was two years old in 1989 in Fairbanks, Alaska. I think it’s one of the best photos on earth.

(submitted by IG @csteltzy

Mullet Mania

“My mom and dad with their cool 80s hair.”

(via source


“I present to you, my brother’s epic mullet, and my full denim outfit self circa 1994.”

(via source)

A Man In Full

“Just another majestic photo of my Dad.”

(via source)

Mullet Majesty

“This is a picture of my cousin, back in the 80’s when the mullet was in style. The two older boys in the picture are his boys, the baby is his grandson. Yes, his grandson.”

(submitted by Lori)

Mullet Perfection

“My buddy’s picture as a child puts Joe Dirt to shame.”

(via source)

Baby In One Hand, Root Beer In The Other

“This is how my Dad used to hold me as a baby.”

(via source)