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The Runaway Mom

“I was just trying to peel my daughter off of me, sit her on the bench and then I was running to get out of the picture. However it looks like I have left my children with their sitter and am running away for dear life!”

(submitted by Jessi) 

The Baby Hand

“If the fact my dad looks like a serial killer or the ET shirt I’m rocking isn’t enough awesomeness in one photo, please enjoy the awkwardness of my dad’s arm with a baby’s hand.”

(submitted by Michael) 

One Luftballoon

“We hiked a LOT in the early 80’s, whether I wanted to or not. The balloon apparently did nothing for my mood.”

(submitted by IG @junowits

Hanson Habit

“This was in the prime of my Hanson obsession when I was 15.”

(submitted by IG @retrohanson

You Can’t Even Tell

“Our Christmas card in 2007. Our daughter was photoshopped in, as she was in Peru.”

(submitted by Amanda)


“Never underestimate the power of a toddler without supervision.”

(submitted by Briea)


“This is a picture of my grandmother, older brother, and my dad. The photo was taken well before I was born and I can guarantee this was my dad’s idea.”

(submitted by Rani)

W Is For Birthday

“When I was six I had a George W. Bush-themed birthday. Disturbing? Amusing? Maybe both.”

(submitted by Josie) 

Born To Be Glam

“My Mom took my cousin and I (I am on the right) for Glamour Shots while we were in High School.”

(submitted by Mary)

Welcome To The World, Kid

“My wife and I just had our first baby. My father drove 3 hours to visit us in the hospital. The excitement was palpable.”

(submitted by Gabriel)