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Dear Stefanie

The letter you send when you want her to break up with you.

(submitted by Chris)

Ride On

“A father is a most important person in our life. In this picture, father became a horse and said for me to ride… it’s a most memorable moment. I didn’t wanna to ride because of he is weak but father said “Don’t worry, I’m all right.”

(submitted by Abdul in Bangladesh)

Fountain Of Youth

“My mom wanted my sister and I to sit for a family picture. When I was little, I always wanted to wear my hair in a fountain ponytail. Apparently, my hair was disagreeing with what my mom wanted it to look like so she chose to grab a brush and try and fix it. The end result was the beautiful fountain on the little girl in pink.”

(submitted by Hailey in Canada)

Flowers In The Attic

“The title of this picture refers to not only those HIDEOUS, flowery, matching skirts our mother forced us to wear, but also to us. I mean, look at us! We were certainly ugly ducks back then. My sister’s hair is pulled back in the tightest french braid possible, as you can tell by the look on her face, behind her gigantic glasses, all while I’m sporting that rather awesome “Dorothy Hamill” haircut. Props to our mother for picking out these flower skirts that look like a garden threw up on us! I’m still amazed that she actually bought the pictures…and these skirts. Thanks mom, really, we owe it all to you!!!”

(submitted by Kimberly)

Summer Lovin’

“This is my son and a little girl from his class at the pool last summer. She didn’t want him in the photo. He was not amused.”

(via James)

Headless Over Heels

“Headless Honeymoon. I was going through my parents’ house and pictures. They went to Niagara Falls on their honeymoon back in 1955. They must have provided little photo albums of their trip. When I first looked at it, I got hysterical. What a memory from their honeymoon.”

(submitted by Kathy)

Hello Dolly

“Trying to seriously take a four generation family photo and my daughter noticed something ‘going on’ in the background!”

(submitted by Tammy)

Daddy Direction

“By the look of the ponchos and the Frye boots, it’s around 1970. When it came to family photos, my dad was short tempered at the best of times. Here’s how it all went down.

Top photo, right to left. Me: “Dad told me to stand here.” Brad: “You’re supposed to be down at that end.” Brian: “Go where Brad says.” Grammy: “Oh look, a bug.” Jennifer: “I can’t see it.” Grandpa: “C’mon, Rachel, it will be ok.” Rachel: POUT.

One eighth of a second before the bottom photo. Dad (roaring): “LINE UP AND SMILE OR I’LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!”

(submitted by Allison)

Senior Slump

“I was taking senior pictures and my two younger siblings were freaking out while my mom tried to entertain them. So after two hours of them crying, I had it, sat down on the stair case, and tried to calm myself before I went crazy big sister. Being little an thinking every move I made was a gift from God, they followed me. My sister on the right is a talker that never stops, my brother has no attention span, and me in the middle, needless to say– they stress me out and this is a very common look for me.”

(submitted by Brianna)

Young At Heart

“Homecoming with the grandkids… Grandma didn’t want to be left out.”

(submitted by Brianna)