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July Fourth Toilet

“This is indeed my family. I was the youngest. It was taken at a photo studio in Fort St. John, British Columbia. The photographer kept asking little ole pre-pubescent me about what I thought of girls. It was hard for me to form a response. He also made me put my hand on my brother, Perry. The oldest brother Frank still plays guitar (it’s obvious that he was into music by his look) and my band July Fourth Toilet even had him play guitar on one of our records as well as in live shows.”

(submitted by Robert in Canada)

Pass Fail

“Here are some photos on my son and myself. This is a set of pictures taken in a photo booth at Lambeth North Underground Station. I was trying to get a photo of my son for his first passport. After carefully reading the instructions on the application form, I decided that none of these fullfilled the strict criteria required by the UK Passport Agency.”

(submitted by John)

The Odd Couple

“Little did people know that Laura Ingalls Wilder had a pet unicorn. My sister and I are six years apart and total opposites, as it is clear from his photo taken on Halloween 1994 in my kindergarten class. When she wanted to be her favorite book character, I just wanted to be a unicorn. Our parents still have this framed and put on the wall of their house.”

(submitted by Rae)

Team Spirit

“From my friend’s Hardee’s days.”

(submitted by Aaron)

Bike Ride

“My daughter’s grade 1 essay. I’m assuming she meant bike….”

(submitted by Roger)

Look Who’s Talking 4

“It’s a photo of my best friend in her pageant days with her competition. Who knows why they are pictured with a dummy? But it’s priceless… it must have been their talent.”

(submitted by Paige)

Safari Ride

“My parents, for some reason, got a kick out of dressing my brother and me in identical outfits for photographs. The theme for 1991 – Boys on Safari. In fact, we’ve decided to recreate the pose now, at ages 27 and 30 – just need to find the safari outfits in our sizes, and a photographer with an open mind.”

(submitted by Brandon)

Little Off the Front

“Perfect haircut for picture day. Thanks, Dad.”

(via source)


“My mom worked for the local University athletic department and thought it would be a good idea to hire a few football players to dress up as Easter bunnies. My friend and I cried the moment we saw them. Our parents finally coaxed us over to the swings to get a quick photo before they sent them away. It was definitely an Easter fail.”

(submitted by Kerry)

Oops Child

“As you can see, I’m obviously the ‘oops’ child.”

(submitted by Becca)