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Patch Adams

“This is a picture of my son with our first experience with my new sister-in-laws family. Apparently, her uncle has dressed as the Easter bunny for 20+ years.. that costume is as old as he has been doing this and yes, he has been wearing glasses with an eye patch for over several years… that was not part of his costume!”

(submitted by Holly)

Killer Clown

“The clown that attended my birthday party back in ’93.”

(via mallinds)


“This is my brother Bobby’s class picture back in ’97. The red stuff is ketchup.. don’t ask how it got there.”

(submitted by Elizabeth)

The Wonder Years

“During the ages of 8 to 11 years old (1972 to 1975) I became trapped in a vortex of awkwardness. And my mom’s taste in clothing really brought it to another level – this stuff was embarrassing even back then. I honestly don’t know how to chose which pictures to send because it seems each one was worse than the last. But here are the two best , age 8 from 1972 and age 10 from 1974.”

(submitted by Brad)

Don’t You Forget About Me

“We have three daughters, and were getting pictures with each. Chloe was not happy that she was being left out of the photo!”

(submitted by Derek)

Hot Tub

“This is me and my sister, back on the farm in Saskatchewan where we grew up. My grandmother used to fill this wash tub with the hose and we called it the “swimming pool”. I am the one with the suspicious toothless smile and the half shaven doll. When my sister showed her friend this picture she was asked “Why is your brother holding a squeegee?”. Sister….I am her older sister….and I have no explanation for the squeegee.”

(submitted by Liz)

Lone Tiger

She only promised to wear a dress.

(via poohannes)

Roll Play

“My mom sent this to my dad who was in the military at the time and hadn’t met me yet. Thanks mom.”

(submitted by Shiane)

Road Trippin’

“My family took a trip from New York to Disney World in July of 1976. This is my older brother, two stepsister, my younger sister and I’m in the hat. Ah fashion.”

(submitted by Kim)

Prom Com

“A prom photo that I can never show the kids.”

(submitted by Thom)