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Oh Baby

Proof that awkwardness begins at birth.

(submitted by Brad on behalf of his sister)

If you have an awkward baby photo, submit it here to join the AFP Baby’s Club. And feel free to send us a recent shot as well for the before and after.

In Good Company

Home sweet home.

(submitted by Ben)

Playing Possum

“My dad was a vet and would bring home various animals including this possum. The look on my brother’s face is priceless!”

(submitted by Laura)

Grandpa George

“My Grandpa George is…..well…quite the show stopper. We never had a normal family or photo for that matter. When the family would all get together, we could always count on Grandpa George to make us laugh. He would get so hammered he would disappear into his bedroom for a half hour and either the Wolfman, Dracula, or Zorro would come out and chase us around the house! We had a blast. Im in this picture, but my granny is blocking me. You can tell by the smiles on our faces we didn’t care who thought we were crazy… we had the BEST grandpa in the whole world!”

(submitted by Eileen)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by John)

The Smooshing 3

Love hurts.

(submitted by Jennifer)

Hooked On A Feeling

“These are some relatives somewhere on my father’s side of the family. My husband and I found this while sorting through tons of pictures from my grandparents’ house and thought it was hilarious, as did all the friends we shared it with.”

(submitted by Erin)

The Honeymooners

How romantic.

(submitted by Christopher)


Even grandparents have their limits.

(submitted by Amie)

Recreating The Awkwardness

(submitted by Tim)