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Cape Fear

“A photo of my grandmother and I, wearing the awful cape my mother made me and insisted I wear every Yuletide for years!”

(submitted by Amanda)

The Merriest

Don’t be afraid to oversell it.

(submitted by Beau)

Lighten Up

She already had the ornament, so why not.

(submitted by Evan)

Merry Christmas from AFP!

“This was taken back in 1971 when I was about 18 months old. My grandmother had one of our cousins dress up as Santa to surprise me and my aunt (who is holding me). I’m not sure what happened to Santa on the way over…..looks like he was run over by one of his reindeer. I think this is where I got my early love of all things scary :)”

(submitted by Heather)

Holiday Greetings

Send more exclusive holiday eCards from the Awkward Family Photos App!

The Skeptics

They’re not so sure about being sure of anything.

(submitted by Andre)

Joy To The World 3

It’s infectious.

(photography by Jamie Zobrist of Jamilia Jean Photography )

A Halloween Christmas

You can never start the celebration too early.

(submitted by Samantha)

Potty Training 3

You don’t have to do everything together.

(submitted by Susan)

Saturday Night Special: Lil’ Miss Claus

The most awkward time of the year is coming.

(submitted by Brandon)