AFP Movie Week
To see many more uncomfortable family moments, be sure to check out Awkward Family Movie Week on The Hub Network 3/10 – 3/16 at 8pm ET/7 pm CT!
Simply The Vest
Somebody told Alan he should submit this to Awkward Family Photos… somebody was right.
(submitted by Alan)
Have A Seat
“This is my mom on her first trip to Vegas with her girlfriends. They went to Chippendales and the dancers pulled her up on the stage. She was thrilled and wanted a picture with them but felt she was too heavy to sit on the man’s lap so she hovered.”
(submitted by Bree)
Recreating The Awkwardness
(submitted by Dawn)
Recreating The Awkwardness
(submitted by Sally)
The 2014 AFP Calendar!
Get the 2014 AFP Day-To-Day Calendar in the AFP Store for only $11.99! Limited time only.